Cody Haitana – Law Clerk
Ko Tongariro me Ruapehu ngā maunga.
Ko Aotea te waka.
Ko Wanganui te awa.
Ko Ngati Rongomai me Uenuku Manawawiri ngā hapū.
Ko Rongomai me Te Puke ngā marae.
Ko Ngati Tūwharetoa me Ngati Rangi ngā iwi.
Ko Cody David Haitana ahau.
Cody began working for the law centre in October 2024. He completed degrees in law, indigenous development, and politics at the University of Otago in 2024. As tangata whenua, he has a strong interest in Māori land law and more generally, as an advocate for tikanga within the legal system. He mentions that empowering and fostering the relationship of mana whenua with their whenua and legal system is his paramount duty while working at the law centre. Outside of work, Cody enjoys spending time with friends and whānau, watching sports, and most importantly, playing golf.